By Alvin Engelke

CP & JP Marks and Carl Ferrell were among those calling at the Griffin residence in Creston this week.

Cap'n Frank Simmons, Lt. BJ Simmons and Ensign Zack Tanner recently delivered Star Fleet's new flagship, the USS Enterprise-F, to the Creston Space Dock. The latest star cruiser is rumored to possess upgrades to the cargo bays and transporter systems which will allow materials to be beamed to the surface much more efficiently.

It has been lamented locally that motorcycle season is just about over for this year.

The Creston auction will be hold Saturday, November 3, starting at 6 P. M. at the Creston Community Building. It will be a good time to lay in supplies for deer season and, perhaps, early Christmas shopping.

The social event of the season happened in Creston October 27 on the occasion of the Halloween party. In addition to the usual gathering of witches, gypsy princesses, ghosts, football players, hobgoblins and monsters from the black lagoon the Kardashians showed up and, true to life the pair looked to be, oh shall we say, "a little trashy". Big Bird, the NPR puppet that is worth ovewr $356 million [more than Mitt Romney] came too but the famous bird looked a little rough. Sheriff Wilson, along with the missus and the youngun, came to catch the escaped outlaw who was to chase the children on the hayride but, because of the rain the trip was called off. There was all sorts of food and goodies, a wedding involving a bride who "lost her head" over her skeletal lover, etc.

Melvin Oakley Hopkins, age 85 of Ravenswood passed away. He was a great grandson of Thomas Bartlett Hopkins and a relative of many Wirt, Calhoun and Wood residents.

The Creston area continues to receive rain apparently as a result of the big hurricane/storm. Local residents were picking tomatoes and peppers Sunday & Monday and flowers are still blooming. A big snow is predicted for the mountain sections.

Charles Russell was calling on brother Euell, Ray Gumm, Mrs. Tanner & Parris Parsons at the Miletree center in Spencer.

W. Harrison Schenerlein IV was attending to business at the Tyler County fairgrounds on Saturday.

Nancy Engelke was consulting with her chiropractor.

Local residents are reminded that the big election is scheduled for next Tuesday, November 6 with serious issues to be determined, actually the future of the nation.

Gasoline prices in Parkersburg have fallen below $3.40 and the price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil is now $86.68 with drip [condensate] fetching $75.83, Marcellus & Utica light $81.13 and medium $88.18/bbl. September natural gas brought $2.12/mmbtu.

It was recently reported that there are 16,807,795 households living in poverty the United States and that the total spending on poverty equates out to $61,194 for each of those households.

The story of the terrorist attack in Lybia continues to get worse as it is now known that Hillary's state department and the White House watched the affair in real time and help was denied. One of the seals had the mortar location "painted" with his laser and someone told the pilot not to drop the missile on the mortar and then the seal was killed as the laser gave away his location. In addition other Americans were wounded but rescued by the seals even though they were ordered not to go to help.

Brandon Ferrell was visiting Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ferrell, Jeremy and Amy.