SCHOOL BOARD MEETS TODAY - Updates Arnoldsburg School Project, Offutt Hired Clerk Of Works

The Calhoun Board of Education will meet this evening at Mt. Zion.

Superintendent Roger Propst and administrator Donald Pitts will report on construction of the new Arnoldsburg School. At a previous board meeting, former CM/HS principal Mike Offutt has been hired Superintendent of Works to oversee the construction project.

An agenda item includes the proposed transfer of seventeen students from the Calhoun system to adjoining counties.

The board will consider further action regarding the collection of delinquent meal accounts, as all county students will be eligible for free meals starting with school year 2012-13.

Additionally, the board will consider issues related to bid documents and furnishing and equipping the new school, not covered by the construction funds.

A number of job hirings and postings are on the agenda, in addition to finance items.

The board has elected Steve Whited as president and Cynthia Dale as vice-president, swearing in new board member Larry Harris.

Future Board Meeting Date: August 13, Special Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Calhoun Board of Education.

Complete agenda and minutes of meetings are available on-line on school board's web site (see LINKS)