The Yellow Dot Program (YDP) kicked-off in April 10, 2012, and is available to West Virginia citizens throughout the state.

The YDP is mainly geared toward the senior population who has a medical condition or suffers from allergic reactions to certain medications; however, anyone of any age can participate.

Interested participants may sign up to participate in the program at any DMV Regional Office throughout the state. The participant will be asked to sign a consent form, they will then be provided with a current picture, an emergency contact/medical information sheet and a Yellow Dot folder to house these items in the glove compartment. A Yellow Dot Sticker will also be provided to be placed on the outside of the lower left rear window of the vehicle.

In the event of a crash, the first responder will know to look for a yellow dot sticker on the rear window and look in the glove compartment for a yellow dot folder containing information about the driver, a list of medications taken, allergies, etc., along with a photograph of the individual.

To learn more about the program see Yellow Dot Program