By Alvin Engelke

There will be a cleanup and work day Tuesday May 15 at the Creston Community Building. All willing workers are urged to come and help.

Rev. Keith Belt filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Next week Jim Bruce will bring the message.

W. Harrison Schenerlein IV & Austin Westfall were among those who went to the wetland (studied the swamp) Friday at the old Poor Farm near Elizabeth. The scholars got to handle snakes, tadpoles, snapping turtles, etc. and observe how rattle snakes and copper heads acted. He also attended a program at the planetarium at Marietta College.

Kenneth Belt, Calhoun County Commissioner Bob Weaver, Wirt County Commissioner Robert Lowe and comely daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lowe Sr., Ordie Rogers, Janet Gherke, Harold Ritchie, Cindy Starcher, Pearl & Betty Bollinger, Junior Hughes, Casper Shuman, Jerry Campbell Jim & Barbara Bush & Mr. & Mrs. Allen Thomas were among those attending to business in Creston Saturday evening.

As a result of heavy rain some Creston area highways were blocked with high water. Some hay had "extra mineral added".

Scotty Wallace, W. Harrison Schenerlein IV's first cousin, graduated from Weslyan which was formerly known as a Methodist school. Apparently the wise ones there decided that Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Saul of Tarsus (Paul), etc were 'out of style" and now follow "new prophets" such as Frederich, Karl, Che' and Saul Alinsky & maybe Jesus "taught collective salvation". The new graduate who likes the big eared one and old thunder thighs has obtained a job waiting tables. As a graduation present he received a real Hillary Nut Cracker.

One of the "perfessers" there said that the Commissioner of Agriculture was a leftover from another century. Apparently he follows Albert Gore, Jr.'s advice to get all his food from third world countries were there is always impeccable sanitation, concern over purity and contamination, and no bacteria, bad communicable diseases, etc. Perhaps he forgot about the Communist Chinese dog food that killed many pets, etc. Also the mad cow epidemic in Europe, as well as some cases in this nation, were all traced to Chinese garbage & bones that were put into cattle feed in the United Kingdom.

Well known Wirt oil & gas man Bill Whited was calling on his cousin Fat Pat the Oilfield Rat.

Aubrey McClendon the CEO of Chesapeake continues to be in the news with his far flung ventures and the problems that arose when the price of natural gas crashed. It seems bets are being taken on how long he lasts. He pointed out that a 4 MM (million cubic feet) gas well would make $13,000/day but it the well was very wet the well would make $38,000/day. One of EQT's new Marcellus wells has 15 drip tanks on location.

Some local residents stayed up to see the moon when it was, so they said, 17,000 miles closer and got to hear a whip-poor-will; a sound that formerly was commonplace.

Johnny Staats the famous musician was making his rounds in the Creston area.

The price of gasoline has dropped in the Parkersburg area to the $3.70 range and some feel it may hold low until after the election. Mark Rich who purchased the biggest pardon in modern times is a dealer in bulk commodities and he can afford to help his buddies Hill & Bill and Eric Holder and George Soros likewise can "lean" on the fellows "show that someone cares". Of course lack of demand because of a sluggish economy might also have some impact.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil fell to $97.79/bbl with drip fetching $84.40, Marcellus & Utica light $88.37 and medium $99.29. It was learned that last year $3.5 billion of hydrocarbons were produced from the Marcellus in Pennsylvania while $1.2 billion was produced in West Virginia. It was noted that when/if the produced gas, etc. was used for chemical feedstocks the impact would be very significant.