By Dave Trippett

The Minnie Hamilton Chaplains Association will be hosting the National Day of Prayer ceremony this Thursday on the steps of the Calhoun County Court House. This year the theme is "Blessed is the nation whose God is Lord" or simply "One Nation under God."

Beginning at 11:00 a. m. prayers will be offered concerning Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, Clergy, those wearing the uniform of Military Service, Teachers, Government, and natural disasters.

This could very possibly be a large fire starting opportunity for those with faith yet traditionally only a very small percentage attend this event. Over the course of the last few decades the Christian community have had a myriad of rights and liberties snatched away. Don't let one more opportunity to express our faith come and go without a whimper.

Come down to the courthouse Thursday morning and become part of the solution. Come down to the courthouse Thursday morning and exercise your God Given right to be a child of God in public. Most importantly, come down to the courthouse Thursday morning and join in prayer for the very people we entrust with our safety, our lives, and our children.

As with past National Day of Prayer events here in Calhoun County, hotdogs, chips, and soda will be available with the proceeds going to the Food Pantry.