'THE CHECKS IN THE MAIL' WILL END - Social Security Going Electronic Transfer 2013

US citizens who get their Social Security check in the mailbox, will have to adjust on March 1, 2013.

Social Security will go to electronic transfer on that date, put in bank accounts or be available on Direct Express Cards.

Social Security says without a paper trail, checks can't be stolen or lost.

They say since direct deposit has been in use for years, not one Social Security check has been lost or stolen.

Some recipients like the feel of a check in their hand.

Some people who are receiving Social Security or of that age that went through the Great Depression, don't trust banks because they lost everything, critics said.

Some people do not have bank accounts and feel opening one up will cost them money, because some banks require a minimum balance or fees will be charged.

But you don't need a bank account to receive your benefits electronically.

You can use a Direct Express Card. The card is free and so are most transactions, but not all.

The new system will save the government money.