WEST VIRGINIA WILD - Summer, A Good Time for Hunting Varmints

By WVDNR Director
Frank Jezioro

"Grandpa, there's a fox."

"Where?" I asked little Frankie as I searched with the binoculars.

"Right there, right there!" he exclaimed excitedly while pointing into about a 20 acre cut over area. But look as I did I couldn't see it. The season was out but I still wanted to see it. I put down the binoculars and asked again where it was. To my surprise he was actually pointing to a small woods road not 35 yards away.

I had been searching the thicket about 100-150 yards out but when I looked right in front of us there it was, hunting for a mouse in a clump of grass. But it wasn't a fox at all but a big, mature coyote. By the time I dropped the glasses and picked up the .223 rifle, the big wild dog slipped over the bank never to be seen again.

But last week the luck was with me and not the coyote.

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