GRANTSVILLE'S COMMUNITY GARDEN PREP DAY TODAY - County Extension Office Accepting Applications For New Season

Submitted by Brandy Brabham
WVU Extension Service

Knotts Memorial United Methodist Church and West Virginia University Extension Service collaborated with the Calhoun County Family Resource Network, the City of Grantsville, and the Calhoun County Middle High School's Vocational Agriculture Department to develop the Grantsville Community Garden in 2009.

The Grantsville Community Garden is located in the grassy area next to Grantsville Manor on US Route 16. There is a sign denoting the location of the garden off US Route 16.

This year garden coordinators, and local WVU Extension Agents, Brandy Brabham and Curtis Garretson are seeking more gardeners who would like to use a plot of the garden to plant their crops for the 2011 growing season.

Wet weather has delayed the preparation of the soil at the community garden site this year.

Plots are 12' x 12' or larger, if space is available. There is a $5.00 fee to lease a plot area. Participants have to complete an application and sign a lease agreement to participant in the community garden.

Individuals, families or community groups that lease plots are expected to keep up with their own garden plots throughout the growing season and participate in scheduled work days set by the garden coordinators.

For more information about the Grantsville Community Garden or to get an application and lease agreement, you may contact the WVU Extension Office and speak to Curtis Garretson at 304-354-6332 or Brandy Brabham at 304-927-0975.

There is a work day planned for Saturday, June 11 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the garden, weather permitting and the land can be worked. During this time, garden participants, West Virginia University Extension Master Gardeners and other community volunteers interested are asked to come to the garden to help erect the perimeter electric fencing and do some maintenance mowing and weed trimming.

Individuals who would like to volunteer in the work day are asked to bring gloves, fencing pliers, post drivers for t-posts, weed eaters, and push lawn mowers.

Garden coordinators are also looking for a volunteer to plow the garden plots. If you have a tractor and plow or tiller and would be willing to volunteer your time and services, please contact the WVU Extension Office at 304-354-6332 today.