The Calhoun County Republican Executive Committee named two new officers and set its 2011 calendar during its Monday night meeting.

Linda McCartney was named to take on the duties of treasurer. She is already the committee's secretary. Talonne Mefford was named to the vice chairman post. Gaylen Duskey continues as the chairman of the Calhoun County Republican Executive Committee.

The committee also set the calendar for the upcoming year.

"We call this our March of Time toward 2012," said Duskey. "Having a calendar of our events will help focus us on the goal of winning in the 2012 election."

The calendar has the following tentative dates:

February 21 (Arnoldsburg); March 21 (Upper West Fork Park); April 16 (Arnoldsburg); May 16 (Grantsville); June 20 (Arnoldsburg); July 18 (Upper West Fork Park); August 22 (Grantsville); September 19 (Grantsville); October 3 (Upper West Fork Park); November 14 (Grantsville); December 12 (Arnoldsburg).

The committee also plans to hold a basket bingo fundraiser in April and to participate in the Wood Festival, Molasses Festival, Calhoun Days and Octoberfest.

"We're certainly not where we want to be," Duskey said, "but this is as good a place to start as any."