By Janet Siers

The Full Wolf Moon is on the 19th of this month. This January moon appeared when wolves howled in hunger outside the villages. It is surely a very cold month so far.

There have been tracks of a big bird outside where I put out table scraps and apple and orange peelings. The bird is probably the Blue Heroin that's lived in this area for years. The pair are in the creek fishing here on this farm and they fly up Walker Creek Road. They have a wide wing span, long legs and a long thin neck. Glad that fishing seems to work for them, here on the Upper West Fork.

Blaine King is doing well and is stuck again up on the hill on Crooked Run.

Dora Starcher call me the other day wanting to know how I was doing. I'm fine, and it was really nice talking to her. Dora sounds good and is doing well.

Everyone have a wonderful week!