2010 has drawn to a close, and with the arrival of 2011 comes the time for people to make their yearly resolutions.

While many will be planning to lose weight, quit smoking, or get more exercise, the Calhoun County office of the American Red Cross would like to encourage you to consider a resolution that is easy to maintain and doesn't cost a penny: volunteering in your community.

There are many organizations that need volunteers: schools, churches, youth organizations, and nonprofit organizations like the American Red Cross, just to name a few.

But which organization should you choose? To help make the decision, consider some simple questions:

• What needs exist in this organization?

• How can my talents help to effectively meet those needs?

• How much of my time will I need to contribute?

You may find that you have the time and talents to help more than one organization, or you may realize that you only have time to serve on weekends. Whatever the case may be, any amount of time you are able to give would be welcome.

Becoming a volunteer not only helps the organization, but also improves your own self-worth. Imagine how you would feel knowing that you helped a family who has just lost everything in a fire or flood by giving them a place to sleep, a warm meal, or something as simple as a reassuring hug. These are all things you can do if you choose to volunteer for the American Red Cross.

Becoming a Red Cross volunteer is simple: just stop by the Calhoun County Courthouse and talk to one of the office's AmeriCorps volunteers (Michelle Jones or Megan Healy-Bleichner) for more information, or call (304)588-0717. You can also contact the main chapter office, the Mid-Ohio Valley American Red Cross, at (304)485-7311.

Please don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today: become a volunteer and reap the rewards of making a positive impact on the lives of those within your community.