NATIONAL VFW COMMANDER VISITS GRANTSVILLE - Eubank Fighting For Vets, Grantsville Post Seeking Members


Eubank tells local vets he is fighting for the
rights and recognition veterans and their families
deserve, in giving blood and service to America

Calhoun's VFW Post 5959 had a visit yesterday by National Commander Richard L. Eubank, who heads the one-and-one-half million veterans group.

Eubank told those attending the regional meeting in Grantsville that the VFW need members that will stand up for veterans and their families.

"Just let me know how I can use the influence of this position to help you at the local level…any combat unit worth its salt will take their objective and accomplish their mission," Eubank said.

"I want warriors who are willing to go into battle with me. For those that do not wish to wage war for our veterans, please stand aside and let us pass through," he stated.

Vets came to Grantsville for regional
meeting yesterday, and to hear Eubank

Eubank, a resident of Eugene, Oregon is a Vietnam War vet, was elected VFW National Commander in August.

Eubank will log thousands of miles across the globe to promote the VFW, veterans' issues and quality of life initiatives for active-duty, Reserve and Guard members.

He served with the U.S. Marine Corps from 1967-1987.

Walls of the VFW Post are filled with photos of
Calhoun men who have among the highest rates of
military service in the USA; past post commander
Paul Whytsell gives report of the local activities


The Grantsville VFW Post is extending an invitation to veterans returning from active duty in foreign lands to becoming a member of the local post.

Veterans of World War ll, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Kosovo, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, among others, are all eligible.

The VFW Post has a Service Office that has information regarding any service questions.

Veterans can bring their DD214 form for the information to complete the application for their eligibility.

The local post is active in recognizing veterans who have given service to the United States, including the erection of flags in dozens of county and regional cemeteries.

The VFW Ladies Auxiliary is made up of wives, mothers, grandmothers, granddaughters, sisters, as well as step daughters, and step granddaughters, that meet the requirements.

The VFW Social Room is open daily at 2:00 p.m. except Sunday.