County Clerks in West Virginia are scrambling, working in overdrive, to pull-off a Special Primary Election on August 28 to nominate candidates for Robert Byrd's senatorial seat, according to Calhoun Clerk Richard Kirby.

Earlier statements saying the state will pick-up the $5.9 million to hold the special election appear to be inaccurate.

A number of supplemental bills passed in the latter days of the special session capped the initial election appropriation at $3 million.

Cash-strapped Calhoun, and some other WV counties, will have a hard time coming up with election funding.

Kirby says new polling places will likely be designated at the Minnora-Orma precinct at the Upper West Fork Park and at Grantsville's senior center, both locations have social functions booked for the date.

"The long list of election requirements will be used, just like any other election, except time is short," said Kirby.

Getting poll workers has been a problem in the past.

Ballots for military members and those serving overseas will have to go out next week, by July 29th.

There will also be a five day period for early voting in August.