By Alvin Engelke

Rev. Carlos Nutter filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church and served Holy Communion. Eva G. Pennington was able to attend services.

The Creston area received some rain, along with warmer weather both of which melted a good deal of the snow.

Margaret Lynch had surgery that went well and is now recovering at home.

Vera Headley White underwent surgery, had some complications and now is sitting at home holding her foot above her heart at the orders of her physician.

Helen Nutter is scheduled for surgery. Jackie came back home to help out while she mends.

Teddy Parsons noted that the amount of logging has increased recently.

Roger Whited was calling on Rebecca Starcher & Ellen Hedge.

P. E. Graham was calling on his brother Mike Graham whose water froze off during the cold snap.

Steve Loudin was attending to business in Brooksville.

Ferrell Griffin of the Parkersburg sector beamed up to the Starship Enterprise and was seen out traipsing about the town with Cap'n Spock. The gents dined at the Western Sizzlin' out back of the Wood County Detachment of the State Road Commission. Ferrell had favorable comments about the Enterprise and rumor has it that he may soon be posted to the Bridge Crew.

Alvin & Nancy Engelke attended the 91st American Farm Bureau convention which was held in Seattle Washington. One of the major topics was the global warming hoax and the proposed cap and trade (cap & tax) legislation. One speaker noted that the philosophy that had been pushed by Enron before they ended up in bankruptcy is now being promoted by a group of companies led by General Electric (GE) which owns and controls NBC.

While Enron's "demise" was well published the real assets of the company avoided the bankruptcy court and the "new company" is now one of the largest oil & gas companies in the nation as well as West Virginia. The philosophy that was hatched in the Lincoln Bedroom (back from Bill & Hill's days) and was the push for the Kyoto accords that Bill signed is now back in full push as several firms, all of whom are properly politically connected, look for record profits at the expense of ordinary taxpayers. In addition the fine folks at the UN are looking forward to all the money they hope to collect from American taxpayers under the proposed global taxes on CO2 (Carbon dioxide).

While at the meeting the local folks visited the famous Pike Street Market, the Olympic Peninsula and the famous rain forest where they saw Roosevelt Elk & mule deer.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude dropped $1.25/bbl to $71/bbl. Dominion Transmission had local oil and gas producers shut in compressors for a time but, generally, gas production has been unimpeded.