Submitted by Patsy Kisner

Calhoun County Schools will celebrate "Read to Me Day" today by having parents read in classrooms at Arnoldsburg and Pleasant Hill Schools.

This event will showcase the importance of reading to young children.

Research shows that parents play an instrumental role in nurturing a love of reading in their children.

There are several things parents can do to encourage reading.

First, have reading material in your home. Make sure these items are readily available to your children and that they include topics that interest the child.

For instance, if your child likes dogs and four-wheelers, include books on those subjects or perhaps subscribe to a magazine about them to arrive in the mail.

Next, make a special reading spot in your home. This can be in the child's room and should be comfortable and fun with good lighting.

Parents also have to be reading role models. Research has shown that one of the major things that work against a child becoming an excellent reader is parents that do not read.

Let your children see you reading magazines, newspapers, add bulletins and books. Encourage children's help with reading recipes and instruction manuals too.

Writing is important as well. Give your children opportunities to write lists, letters and thank you notes. Have them write their own personal notes to include in Christmas cards. Buy them a journal or diary for the holidays.

Other good holiday ideas are buying games like scrabble or gifts that come with a companion book, such as a bat and ball with a book about baseball, or a nature book and a magnifying glass.

Don't forget the importance of the nightly bedtime story. Not only is this soothing and can help children sleep better, it also inspires a love of reading.