CRUMMIES CREEK MAN SUBJECT OF 911 CALLS - Reports Say Huffing Gas, Making Threats

Police have been responding to several 911 calls over several days to the Right Fork of Crummies Creek where a 21-year-old man has reportedly been standing by the road with a jug of gasoline, huffing the substance.

Workers for the WV Department of Highways and a worker for Frontier Communications were among complainants regarding the man's threatening behavior.

The man, identified as Justin McKinney, was reportedly released from an Ohio prison last June, coming to his mother's place on Crummies Creek.

McKinney has reportedly run his 43-year-old mother from her camper dwelling, and she has been sleeping in the woods for several days wrapped in a canvass.

During one police investigation, McKinney had been in an altercation with his uncle Tom Hardway, a pipe reportedly being used as an instrument in the affray.

Calhoun Emergency Ambulance Services responded to that incident, but no one was taken to the hospital.

Authorities apparently started an effort to do a mental hygiene commitment on McKinney, but that effort failed without a complainant, indicating local residents were too fearful to give testimony.