By Alvin Engelke

The government decreed fast time finally came to an end for this year. The time change nonsense was started in World War II to "encourage more manufacturing for the war effort" and was called war time.

The Creston area, usually fairly calm & quiet, has been very much on the wild side of late but, it is hoped all that is over until next year. It seems that some came back from the dead, monsters showed up to terrorize residents, big name celebreties decided to visit their local fans and princesses, queens, fairies showed up to , wow and impress the impressionable. To put it another way, the Creston Halloween party lived up to expectaions.

The Creston auction will be held Saturday, November 7, starting at 6 P. M. at the Creston Community Building.

Nancy Engelke received a good result after undergoing tests at Roane General Hospital. She was also "thoroughly cleansed". She & Alvin were also visiting her brother & sister & their families in Peoria Illinois.

That part of the nation has had one of the wettest years in modern times with tempeatures averaging 20 degrees below normal. Most of the corn & soya beans remain to be picked as the fields are so wet that equipment would bury to the axles. A member of the dePue family who farms in Ohio noted that they got all their soya beans picked and averaged more than 55 bu/acre.

Those who have been out looking for trophy bucks note that many of the DNR's deer look skinny and some said that, perhaps, it was because of the dearth of acorns. It would seem more likely that, because of the overpopulation of deer that parasites & disease is now rampant in the herd as there is plenty of vegetation for critters to consume.

One group of hunters put out a pile of 2 1/2 tons of ear corn for the benefit of the wild animals. According to the game camera the word has spread and many have come to feast where later, no doubt, there will be warm metal added to the mix. One of the visitors is the monster bear that has been in the area for some time now. Others note that a substantial number of foxes and coyotes have been seen locally.

The rulers over in Washington now tell us that insurance companies make "obscene profits" and that Obamacare is the answer. Anyone who has tried to get health insurance knows that there are not many companies out there offering policies which would indicate that either government regulations freeze them out or that it is not a lucrative business. Such was not the case many years ago before government involvement started. It was noted that the profit of the ten largest health insurance companies was $8 billion while annual medicare fraud easily exceeds $60 billion. It should be obvious wherein lies the problem.

The big eared one, his friends George Soros, Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dhorn, etc. are estatic that he will go to Copenhagen and, in the name of 'global warming' or 'climate change' sign over to the united nations or some world government control of every activities American citizens participate in that "uses energy". In addition to heat and light, such would include travel, eating, washing clothes, having children, etc. Certainly it is a wonderful world in which we live! General Electric, which owns NBC, etc. is a collaborator, much like Krupp Industries "worked with a fellow named Adolph".

The price of local Penn grade crude fell $2.75/bbl. to $70.25. Some of the price drop may have reflected the economic reports which, when analysed showed bad things not the positive spin that was given. The economic 'growth' was the $ from the cash for clunkers program and housing subisdies, all funds borrowed from the Chinese government. It was determined that the cost to the taxpayers was $24,000 for each trade in the cash for clunkers deal.

Some local residents attended the Wirt County sheriff's tax sale. For the first time in quite a while two tracts of land at Creston sold, one of which has a brand new dwelling.