'USE-TO-WORK-TOGETHER, GET-TOGETHER' - BF Goodrich Employees Recall Old Times

Saturday was a "Use-to-Work-Together, Get-Together" at Calhoun Park for former employees of BF Goodrich. The company once had production plants at Grantsville and Spencer, before the jobs were globalized.

The group recalled memories of a time not so long ago that jobs were to be had, even in rural West Virginia, before they went abroad.


Kneeling (L to R) Robyn Johnson, David Moss, Park Yeager, Alfred Kight; 1st Row Standing (L to R) Kearn Hart, Mina Townsend, Katheryn Kerby, Nalani Dolpies and Judy Yoak; 2nd Row Standing (L to R) Carolyn Miller, Irona Yeager, Geneva Nicholson, Mary West, Marlene Kight and Lou Staton; Third Row Standing (L to R) Wanda Bailey, Shirley Basnett, Shirley Dawson, Annetta Richards; Lynda Milliron and Jim Myer
(Not pictured Nina Conley)

Former co-workers enjoying afternoon at Calhoun Park