MORE CALHOUN E-911 ADDRESSES ISSUED - Mt. Zion/Big Bend Areas Being Notified

USPS Address Management Office in Charleston has notified Calhoun County Addressing and Mapping Coordinator Gary Buchanan that more sections of Calhoun County will be receiving their notification letters listing their new "city-type" addresses.

Residents may begin using their new addresses as soon as they receive their notification letter.

Locations in Big Bend (26136) and Mt. Zion (26151) are scheduled for notification.

Addresses are assigned starting at the nearest intersection, with even number addresses (those ending in 0,2,4,6,8) on the right side of the road and odd number addresses (those ending in 1,3,5,7,9) on the left.

The number represents the location's distance from the intersection. For example: the number 1500 would represent a structure located on the right side of the road and approximately one and one-half miles from the intersection.

Anyone who receives a notification letter and believes there may be an error in their address or anyone who has a question about the project should contact Buchanan at 354-0911.

E-911 addreessing will help emergency responders find locations quickly.