WHY THE PATH PROJECT IS NOT NEEDED - Regional Citizens Vs. King Coal And AEP


Photo courtesy of calhounpowerline

By Bob Weaver

The electric power and coal corporations are spending millions of dollars convincing the public that the gigantic PATH power project is a necessity.

Electricity generation using coal will be using the John Amos power plant in Putnam County, and possibly other facilities, based upon a promise that new scrubbers and new technology will not increase pollution of the WV air, not withstanding the enormous amount of polluted refuse being discarded.

The mega-giant lines will cut through several WV counties, including most of the regional counties around Calhoun, not without damage to property owners.

Then there is the significant cost-shifting to WV consumers.

Before you agree with the industries compelling case, you might take time to read some of the links on why PATH is not a good idea for West Virginians, courtesy of The Power Line.

The Reliability Question

East Coast Governors Don't Want PATH

Expert George Loehr On Why Bigger Power Lines Hurt Reliability

Salon.com Article On Why New Transmission Lines Are a Bad Idea

Industrial Physicist Article on What Is Really Wrong with the US Grid

How PATH Will Hurt New East Coast Projects

Links on PATH's burden on WV rate payers, courtesy of The Power Line.

Who Pays for PATH

What Is PJM

Coming Soon to Your Electric Bill

Check Out Power Companies' FERC Filing

"An Increase of a Magnitude Never Before Encountered"

Here are some links on eminent domain and land seizure, courtesy of The Power Line

Power Companies Don't Like Free Markets

Some PJM Vocabulary

Here are some links on electro-magnetic fields, courtesy of The Power Line

PATH EMFs Are 25 Times Safe Standards

Response To Power Company Claims

MD PSC EMF Research Review