LIBRARY LEVY WILL BE ON PRIMARY BALLOT - "The Price Of A Gallon Of Milk And A Loaf Of Bread" Once A Year


Calhoun's only public library

A small operating levy for the Calhoun County Library was approved to be placed on the May Primary ballot by the Calhoun Commission last night. The Commission held a special meeting to consider the issue.

The $30,000 annual levy would be used for "general operation" of the under-funded organization which is struggling financially, according to Library Board President Grace Richards.

Librarian Glada Stump and Board President Grace Richards request levy

The cost to the average Calhoun property owner would equal the purchase of a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread once a year, said Richards. The three year levy totals $90,000.

The operational levy failed during the last election by less than one-half of one percent. It was so close a recount was done, although it did not change the outcome.

"We are hopeful people will consider our critical needs and support the library in all our endeavors," said Librarian Glada Stump.

Library provides many services to community