
Kathleen H. Taylor

Welcome back to Beason. I hope you made it here ok; the road is a bit similar to the Grand Canyon. Did I mention that deep holes in the road even loosened up my CD player in the car? I wonder where I send that bill in order to be reimbursed for fixing it. Or the bill for my tires? I could continue down quite an extensive list. When I find a place to send the bills to, I will forward the address to everyone that's been in or out of this road. I am sure they have all acquired some damage to their car as well.

The children are counting down the days that are left until school is out. I am counting the days that I still have sanity. The sanity clock's alarm will be going off on day number two of summer vacation. I guarantee it. There's only so much XBOX torture a mother can take.

Ethan and Avery both made straight A's this grading period. Obviously, they get their intelligence from their mother. Well, maybe not the math skills. Ok, definitely not the math skills. Since it took me two trips through Algebra, I am clearly not smarter than a sixth grader (at least in math). I still have the same questions about Algebra as I did so many years ago. "Where am I ever going to use this? Who really cares what A + B is?" However, I want people in a health or engineering profession to be a little brushed up on their math. They probably really do care what A + B equals.

Both Little League and T-Ball seem to be going well. This is Ethan's first real opportunity to be somewhere other than the nosebleed section of the baseball field. I would like to thank our coaches for giving him this opportunity without regards to his last name, his family status in the county or where his parents are employed. It appears some have had difficulty determining those kinds of credentials weren't to be number one on the list of priorities. But, I guess it was whoever or whatever required the least amount of effort was all that mattered. After all that being said, we can just leave those worthless 'tudes in the dust.

We've had several baby calves this spring. Apparently, Big Daddy Bovine had excellent work ethic and definitely a man on a mission. Will the new Man O' The Pasture fair as well? I don't know. I haven't seen much PDA around the farm. Usually, I am covering my kids' eyes just going down the driveway by this time of year. But, I wonder, did anyone check his references? Maybe he really didn't go All-State as the Captain of the PDA Team.

The Studio has picked up a lot of business lately. I have been working late most of the time. I had to break up my day in order for me to have everyone get their homework, eat supper and be at their designated ball field. This schedule seems to be working, so I won't fix what isn't broken.

I got to go see the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus in Charleston last week. Avery was a bit disturbed that they chose not to take 1000 little kids to Burger King for lunch this year. I don't blame the school one bit for that decision. I told Avery I could barely take 2 kids for lunch due to the fact it takes them 3 hours to make a decision and end up ordering what they always get anyway. I was impressed by some of the Circus stuff and others I thought were just plain wrong. For example, what kind of idiot says on high school career day, "I think I want to be that girl that hangs off a motorcycle on a high wire." How do they determine a pay scale? Is there possibility for advancement? Would one get promoted to the person on the motorcycle rather than the one hanging off it? Just curious.

Have a wonderful week.