WEST FORK RIDING CLUB TRAIL RIDE - Eighty-Four Riders Enjoy Outing


Saturday was a great day for a Calhoun trail ride, with a lot of participation.

The West Fork Riding Club held its annual spring trail ride at the West Fork Riding Club show grounds at Chloe.

Trail boss Roger Chenoweth led 84 riders in attendance

The club would like to thank Craig Hicks, Roger Chenoweth, Ron Summer, Robbie King, Phil Arnold, Caden Arnold, Marvin Arnold, Thomas McCumbers, Matt Ashley, Monty Arnold, and Matt Groves for their hard work with helping on the new ring and remodeling the kitchen facilities at the show grounds.

The first horse show is May 3, 2009 starting at 3 p.m.
at the club's show grounds at Chloe.