MAJOR REPAIRS AT PLEASANT HILL SCHOOL MOVING AHEAD - $1.6 Million Project Will Be Completed Late Summer


Collapsing and corroded sewer lines at
PHE creates a major repair project

By Bob Weaver

A major construction project has been underway for several months at Pleasant Hill Elementary School, following the discovery of a collapsing sewer line under the main hallway of the first floor.

The repair project is estimated to cost $1.6 million, using state School Building Authority funding.

Frank Tetrick, Director of Support Services for Calhoun Schools, says substantial completion of the project is scheduled for August 14th, with total completion, including finish and detail work, scheduled to be done by September 14th.

Tetrick says a small problem happened during construction, some electrical conduit running under the concrete floor was found to have been badly corroded and in need of replacement.

Dan Hill Construction was asked to access the problem and determine how much of the conduit would need to be replaced.

"It was a minor problem, but a problem nonetheless," Tetrick said, with the project still under budget.

Tetrick explained, not unlike any renovation project, the unexpected surfaces.

"Some of the sink cabinets in the first floor classrooms were found to have suffered termite damage at some time in the past, and are in need of replacement," he said. This is also being addressed.

Most of the plumbing has been replaced on the first floor, and a new grease trap has been installed under the parking area outside of the kitchen.

Much of the excavated areas have already been filled over the new plumbing, the plumbing contractor is ahead of schedule.

Preparations are now being made to pour new concrete to match the existing floor in the hallways and classrooms.

Phase II of the project is scheduled to begin on June 9, 2009, after students and teaching staff are out of the building for the summer break.

See   MAJOR REPAIRS STARTED AT PLEASANT HILL SCHOOL - Superintendent Says "We Will Make Sure It's Safe"