
Kathleen H. Taylor

Well, it appears I am behind in bringing you the latest news from Beason. I've been pulled in every direction this past week; hopefully, it will be in the right direction soon.

Avery has been on the sick list. It started out with just a cough and erupted into a deeper cough and high fever. Everyone knows that all moms freak out when their babies have high fevers. So, I drove him over to Minnie Hamilton in Calhoun County early Tuesday morning with a fever of 103. The fog was horrible and it made the trip seem endless. I tried to keep myself calm by thinking about Yukon and the Elf (from Rudolph) arguing about the fog being like pea soup or peanut butter. Then, I realized I must be pretty darn tired if I actually begun making the comparisons. Anyway, it was a rough time and I am glad we are on our way to full throttle again.

Ethan will be getting his braces on tomorrow. It's interesting as some kids see it as a fashion accessory and others see it as something to make fun of. I just see it as $4,000 that better be taken care of as he is told to. I do know the "diet for braces" will create some rude-awakenings for some of us. The lists of "no-nos" are on Avery's list of "yes-yes". Since this diet must be followed by one, it will be followed by all. Avery will just have to like it or lump it.

Oh my gosh, I have just repeated my own Mother's words. Like it or lump it. Wow. Didn't we all swear we would never turn into our moms since they said such cruel and heartless things? I can vividly recall saying, "I'm not going to be a meanie when I have kids ..." We had no clue that the phrase, "like it or lump it" or other various mom quotes weren't exactly the worse things in the world. No clue until we actually did have kids of our own.

Avery's birthday party went very well. We are so happy that many of you came to his party. He was very pleased with all his presents. I hope that the "Woodland Olympics" didn't cause any cases of poison ivy or any other unpleasant skin condition. I am told the party was still going until 1:30 in the morning. I passed out on the couch long before that from an overdose of taco casserole and cake. Everyone was still alive when I got up and the house was still standing. So, I thought that worked out well.

What did you think of Idol this past week? I don't have a lot of positive things to say. All the people that I was impressed with, no longer have my votes. Did you see Adam's version of "Ring of Fire"? The description that comes to mind is 'DISTURBING'. It kind of put me in mind of the Culture Club back in the day. Ick. I was really hoping Adam would go big with it like Chris Daughtry probably would've done. No such luck. It will take a lot to get my vote back.

I, personally, would like to thank whomever came out and patched some of the holes in our road. My car and I truly appreciate it. I don't want to seem ungrateful or anything, but, the holes just get worse farther down the road. I'm afraid my car is going to have nuts and bolts flying off of it the next time I hit one of the deeper ones. Those mysterious flying car parts have been known to put an eye out.

Get well wishes need to go out to Junior Taylor. He had recently been a guest at the Camden Clark Hotel for a night or two. I am sure all the nurses hated to see him go, but, grandpas are needed at home to supervise The Little Garage Invader Gang.

I would like to give a shout-out to my dear "Aunt Pete." I don't get to see her at the shop as often as I used to. So, I wanted to make sure she knows she is not forgotten.

"John Deere Green" by Sammy Kershaw is my pick for the week.
