SCHOOL BOARD RECLASSIFIES EXPELLED STUDENT - Possible Litigation Discussed During Executive Session

Superintendent Roger Propst recommended that a student classified as dangerous at the December 8, 2008 Board of Education meeting and expelled from Calhoun County Schools for a period of one year, have the dangerous student classification removed to allow alternative educational opportunities. All other requirements of the expulsion remain in place.

Administrator Frank Tetrick reported on some air quality issues being addressed at Pleasant Hill Elementary and gave a progress report on the construction project at the school.

The board went into executive session with legal counsel for a discussion that is subject to attorney-client privilege because it concerns possible litigation. The board returned to open session without comment.

A proposed Governing Policy was tabled.

Issues presented by CMHS Youth Force coordinator Shari Johnson were apparently approved regarding a full-time on-site Prevention Resource Officer and a Drug-Free Community Federal Grant of $125,000.

The dismissal of a 4th grade teacher at Pleasant Hill Elementary (See earlier Herald story).


- Mr. Wilson - Inquired as to when the Board would meet with Mr. Propst to discuss his Contract beginning July 1, 2009. Mrs. Dale responded that an e-mail was sent to the Superintendent 3/9/09 to confirm a date and time for a meeting.

- Mr. Wilson - His phone has not stopped ringing expressing very positive feedback on Mr. Propst's performance since being appointed.

- Mr. Whited - Questioned the availability of (take home) books for all students at the CMHS. Mrs. Kirby and Mrs. Whytsell explained books are accessible with the exception of "History" books because the same book is being used in two grade levels. Let it be noted, however, the History book is available "on-line" on a daily basis and for sign-out from the teachers.

- Mrs. Starcher - Commended Shari Johnson for the submission of the grant to obtain a full-time, on-site Prevention Resource Officer at the CMHS through the Calhoun Sheriff's Department.

- Mrs. Dale - Commended Mrs. Johnson for her efforts of both grants submitted, requested that all board members submit their "Board Questionnaires" at the March 17 board meeting; confirmed the board will meet to revise Superintendent's contract; expressed concern regarding the number of student transfers into neighboring counties; pleased Edline is up and running; expressed concerns to the Superintendent regarding school beautification, asking county administrators at the school locations review with staff a plan of action for "Spring Cleaning."

- Mr. Propst - Discussed the possibility of holding summer school at another school location so that CMHS has the opportunity to place emphasis on many projects that need attention. Previously, summer school has been held at that location and much needed work could not be completed because of the continuous activities within the building. Mr. Propst has already committed to several projects currently underway at the CMHS to "spruce up" and bring back the beauty of the school and grounds.

The next two meetings: March 17, 2009 (Special) - Pleasant Hill Elementary(LSIC) 7:00 p.m. and March 26, 2009 (Special) - Calhoun Middle-High School (LSIC) 7:00 p.m.

See complete minutes at   Calhoun County Schools