The Master Gardener program and training are conducted by the West Virginia University Extension Service. The training provides gardeners with the opportunity to improve their horticultural knowledge and skills and then share their experience with the public through organized volunteer activities.

The program topics covered include: botany, plant problem diagnosis, soils, ornamentals, pest management, fruits, vegetables, and plant propagation.

Contact your local WVU Extension office at 354-6332, or 927-0975, or e-mail WVU Extension Agent, Brandy Brabham at to get an application today.

Applications will be accepted now through March 6th, with the classes starting on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 and going through May 26, 2009.

We must have at least 10 approved applicants to offer the classes. There will be a course fee of approximately $65. You must complete 30 hours of training, pass an exam, and provide 30 hours of approved volunteer work to become a certified WV Master Gardener.

For more information, contact your local WVU Extension office.