November 11, observed in the United States in honor of veterans of the armed services and in commemoration of the armistice that ended World War I in 1918. In 1954 it was renamed from Armistice Day and given the added significance of honoring veterans.

Today we remember and honor soldiers who marched off to fight wars with many causes. The lucky became veterans.

From the hills of West Virginia they went in numbers greater than most anywhere in America, to return to their quiet lives, forever changed, often unnoticed by their neighbors.

It is those soldiers we recognize today.

"One of the world's noblest figures." - General Douglas MacArthur

"A man whose business it is to kill those who never offended him, and who are the innocent martyrs of other men's iniquities." - William Godwin

"Theirs not to make reply; theirs not to reason why; theirs but to do or die." - Alfred Lord Tennyson