By Alvin Engelke

The Creston auction will be held Saturday, November 8, starting at 6 P. M. at the Creston Community Building.

There will be a revival meeting November 7, 8 & 9 starting at 7 P. M. each evening at the Bell Chapel Church at Munday. Everyone is invited to attend.

Rev. Carlos Nutter filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church and served Holy Communion. There will be no service at the Burning Springs church on Sunday November 9.

West Virginia Paving starting paving part of the Tom's Run road. Earlier the potholes had been filled with rocks.

The Whingie Dingie Water Line Company hooked up a bunch of big black gas line both at Burning Springs and on Route 53. One can only wonder sometimes.

The government's Asiatic beetles ("ladybugs") have been invading homes, churches and other structures. On Sunday evening one last katydid was singing along the West Fork.

Alvin & Nancy Engelke were attending to business in Ohio Amish Country where gasoline was less than $2.10/gallon and they then motored to Grantsville Maryland where, in October, they received a 7-inch snowfall. They met Anna Engelke and Adam Yost there to deliver Anna's new puppy Chester to her.

Gary Freed was attending to business in Creston.

Two fellows went poaching and the game wardens were called. The local feller was in court so the Wood County guy was summonsed but he arrived after the "sportsmen" returned home so he went to visit there. Whilst there he noted an excessive amount of trash, rubbish and litter and brought the situation to the attention of the hunters.

Whereupon, the gents gathered up all the trash, debris and old tires and set it all afire.

It was reported that there was a gathering of goblins Friday night out near the McFarland residence high on the ridge at the head of Beaver Dam.

Bobby Duelley, age 58, of Walker passed away after a bout with cancer. An employee of the Wood County DOH he often worked in Wirt County and had many friends in the county.

Jesse D. Davis, age 83, of Spring Creek passed away after an extended illness. Burial was at Hodam.

Edward L. Roberts, age 52, who lived down along Route 5 passed away after a round with cancer.

Vivian McIntyre, age 64, of Brohard passed away after a round with cancer. She is survived by her husband Lawrence "Whistle" McIntyre.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil rose to $61.50/bbl.

Chesapeake announced that they are to drill a 22,443-foot deep basement test on Vineyard Ridge in Roane County. A forced pooling hearing will be held on the well on December 2 at 10 A. M. before the W. Va. Oil & Gas Conservation Commission. Some who would not agree to Chesapeake's net proceeds leases that violate the terms of the Tawney suit will be dealing with the out of state company. The public is invited to attend. For details call 926-0499 or 558-2000.