Submitted by Phyllis Evans

The fall semester has been a busy one for county schools throughout West Virginia. As teachers strive to maintain and reach high student performance levels, they recognize the importance of communication through writing as early as Pre-K and K. House Bill 2208, which was passed by the 2001 West Virginia Legislature and signed into law by Governor Wise was the impetus for a recent statewide Character Education Essay Contest. This law, which mandates that character education be integrated into the public school curriculum, provided students in grades 3 through 12 the opportunity to address the subject of character as they wrote to a given prompt.

County level winners, and state level winners were selected in grades 3 through 12 by a team of trained teachers in holistic scoring. Essays were numbered and judged by grade level, thereby keeping anonymity during the contest. The judges for all grade levels commented on the outstanding quality of student submitted essays. County level winners will receive a $100.00 savings bond and the state level winners will receive a personal palm computer.

Calhoun County recently competed in the statewide Character Education Essay Contest, which was offered for the first time to all county schools. The contest was sponsored by the Office of Student Services and Assessment, West Virginia Department of Education. Phyllis Evans, a teacher at Arnoldsburg Elementary, served as the county liaison and was instrumental in making the contest a success in the county and state. The schools, the teachers and the students who participated in this contest are to be commended for the high level of writing and for an excellent first time performance.

Below is a list of students who were selected as winners in Calhoun County.

Grade 3
1st place, Janina Schatz, Arnoldsburg Elementary
2nd place, Brooklyn Talley, Pleasant Hill
3rd place, Kyle Fobare, Pleasant Hill
Honorable Mention, Aaron Dawson, Pleasant Hill

Grade 4
1st place, Zachary Moore, Pleasant Hill
2nd place, Kayla Boggs, Pleasant Hill
3rd place, Eli Dye, Pleasant Hill
Honorable Mention, Cai Clothier, Arnoldsburg

Grade 5
1st place, Christopher Mace, Calhoun Middle
2nd place, Abagale McCumbers,Calhoun Middle
3rd place, Jessica Cosgrove, Home Schooled
Honorable Mention, Jonathan Roberts,Calhoun Middle

Grade 10
1st place, Samantha Parsons, Calhoun High
2nd place, Tim Miller, Calhoun High

Grade 11
1st place, Rachelle McBride, Calhoun High

Grade 12
1st place, Bliss Masiarczyk, Calhoun High