By Janet Siers

I was happy to attend the Golden Delicious Apple Festival for the first time with friends. It was a beautiful day and the town of Clay was full of people. There was lots of nice motorcycles and the band Dixie Moon was very entertaining. It was good to see Dr. Rick Magly perform. He sure does play a harmonica well.

This past week I was thrilled to catch a Large Mouth Bass. It was 21 inches long and was beautiful. This was the biggest fish I ever caught and it was fun. He's safe back in the farm pond.

My cat Buddy was run over in the road Friday. He lasted for a pretty long time here on route 16. Down to two cats now.

Heather and the girls came for a visit and Heather was able to take me to Dr. Radow for an eye appointment. On the way back from Spencer Heather stopped to get a turtle out of the road, she was holding it and driving so I held the pretty orange thing and it came out of it's shell. He was really strong pushing on my hand with his little legs. We had to pull over and turn it loose out of harms way. Ben was able to spend the night with us as he had to have the big red truck worked on in Charleston. I love hearing the horn blow when he passes the house. He has to go through Chloe to the mouth of White Oak to turn it around.

Blaine King and I went to Spencer for supplies and I was able to pick up new contacts. Went to Pizza Hut for lunch. He fixed the window in the front door. and I am thankful.

Getting late corn out of the garden now even after the wind had blown the patch down on the ground except for a few. Nobody thought it would make it but it has.

Hickory nuts and chestnuts are falling and the hazel nuts are beginning to turn brown.

Everyone enjoy this beautiful fall that we're having!