A Calhoun County woman has teamed up with a former radio announcer to open a new church in Roane County.

Area residents are being invited to participate in their first service.

What once was a vacant industrial building with broken water lines, gas lines and bowed walls for over a decade has been remodeled into a small, but powerful worship center.

Church organizers are calling it "The home of the Keep it Real Ministry," a place where the congregation has purpose, becoming part of a Ministry Team.

Kathryn and the late Walter Truss (L) Toby and Jennifer Wagoner (R)

Kathryn Truss from Grantsville, the widow of long-time minister Dr. Walter Truss teamed up with Toby Wagoner, formerly of WVRC radio, to open the non-denominational church called Love and Kindness Independent Church.

It is located on Barrcut Road, 2.7 miles from downtown Spencer on Rt. 14 North.

A special building dedication and praise service is set for Sunday, September 28 at 10 a.m., which will include a historical perspective of the ministry and "how the church will serve an unchanging God in an ever-changing world."

The service will also highlight plans for the coming year including the REACT project and Samaritan's Closet.

Special singing is planned by Joann Warren from Charlotte, North Carolina, Toby's wife Jennifer Wagoner and their daughters Samantha and Andrea of Millwood, and J'Nae Carter of Grantsville.

Children attending the service will get to work on an exciting craft during the musical portion of the service to highlight what Sunday school will be like, said Wagoner.

Many folks in the area likely remember Wagoner, who used to be the voice of the Calhoun Red Devils. He now lives in Millwood in Jackson County.

Wagoner is serving as the Lead Minister. Kathryn Truss is serving as the Director of Ministry. The two joined forces to form Love and Kindness Ministries in January of 2007 in a small 660 square foot facility in Ripley.

The ministry team purchased the Spencer Testing Building in September of 2007 and work renovating the 3,600 square foot facility has been underway ever-since.

During the renovation process, the Keep It Real Ministry Team held services in the building and worked after each service on remodeling.

Truss said, "This was a huge project for a ministry team of eight to undertake. It was a lot of money and a lot of time. Without God, we could not be where we are today."

Now, the remodeled facility dons an 11 foot sanctuary ceiling, highlighted with red carpet, gold chandeliers and black pews. The sanctuary has a 9 foot cross about the same size that on which Jesus was crucified.

"It is just simply beautiful," said Truss, "It's been a long time coming, and we're ready to open."

Both Wagoner and Truss are hoping the Keep it Real style ministry will reach people that have felt alienated or hurt by a church; people who cringe at church politics; people who believe church is boring; people who are looking for a church; or people desiring to be active in the community.

Wagoner said "The Keep It Real Ministry" basically teaches it's between you and God. "You have to answer for what you do and don't do in this life. You learn to listen to your convictions and not have other's convictions forced upon you," he said.

Love and Kindness will have two services on Sunday, at 10 a.m. and an evening service at 6 p.m.

Wagoner said the Love and Kindness Church is not designed to take people away from their own church, but it is designed for people who haven't found what they are looking for yet.
