Transcribed by Norma Knotts Shaffer from microfilm of the Calhoun Chronicle dated 10/31/1911.

Womanly Wisdom

When pin-feathers come out with difficulty, wrap a piece of muslin around your finger to pull against.

If you would have light dumplings, leave the cover off for about ten minutes after you have put them in

"People who do not like the country because there is so little going on, are those in whose heads there is less going on than even in the country."

Mix your griddle-cakes, waffles, fritters, etc., in the upper part of a double boiler instead of in an ordinary mixing bowl, and you will find the handle very useful to hold it by when frying them.

When you buy the children's drawers for the winter, sew a piece of tape, about three inches long, across the bottom of the legs.  This will prevent the drawers from wrinkling up when the stockings are put on.

Do not forget to give the baby plenty of water.  Milk is a food, and does not take the place of water as a drink.  Plenty of water between feedings, taken either warm or cool, is a great aid to the bowels and kidneys.

Nut butter is a pretty good substitute for meat now that the latter brings such high prices.  Run walnuts or shellbarks through a food-chopper, and rub into them about one-third as much good fresh butter.  Spread on crackers or bread.

One housekeeper has prevented many a burned roast or overbaked cake by setting the alarm clock to the proper time to open the oven door.  Then she goes about her work in the other part of the house, knowing that she will hear the imperative call at the right time.

The right way to cook oatmeal:  Put a teaspoonful of salt in a quart of water over the fire, in the upper part of a double boiler.  As soon as it boils, briskly sprinkle the oatmeal in slowly.  Do not stir, but let it boil briskly for a few minutes, then set it in the lower half of the boiler, which should contain hot water; cover it and let it bubble slowly, without stirring, for four or five hours at the least.  If wanted for breakfast they should be cooked the day before, and then finished with as much time as you can allow in the morning. - From November Farm Journal.