Submitted by Ali Haverty

Calhoun County Barack Obama Supporters will have their next meeting on Sunday July 13 at 5 p.m. on the stage at the Arnoldsburg Park.

Anyone who is ready to help this country live up to it's promises are welcome to attend.

Maybe you disagree with Obama on an issue or two, maybe you don't like something he said or did, we still want to work with you to change the things we can all agree on.

Our health care system is broken. Our veterans and soldiers need better treatment then they are receiving. Our economy needs to work better for all of us not just the super wealthy. Our kids and grandkids and great-grandkids need us to see how much debt we are leaving them and change things now.

Now is our time. We can make these changes but only if we unite and conquer instead of being divided and conquered. If you can not make it to the meeting (gas prices being what they are) and would still like to join us. Please do contact Ali Haverty at 655-8199.

See   www.barackobama.com