1897: Dog Tries To Be Peacemaker At Millstone

Transcribed by Norma Knotts Shaffer from microfilm of the Calhoun Chronicle dated 8/3/1897.

A four cornered fight on Millstone one evening last week was one of the interesting topics of conversation. It happened to be a kind of family fight in which old man Dillman and his wife, with A. O'Donald and his faithful old dog Scott participated.

According to our informants, Dillman was the aggressor. O'Donald acted in the defensive and Mrs. Dillman and the dog were trying to make peace, but they seemed to misunderstand each other as the dog bit and gave her a dangerous wound.

The screams of the woman while the fight was on attracted the attention of Squire Keith, who lives some distance below the O'Donald residence, and he deputized F. N. Hays to go up and quell the disturbance and arrest the guilty parties, which he did.

It was necessary to call a physician to attend Mrs. D. Further than this reporter sayeth not.