By Janet Siers

Heather, Ruby, and Lea came to visit Monday as Heather had a doctors appointment at Dr. Ricks at Nebo on Tuesday. He has really helped her.

They stayed until Thursday and we had a wonderful time. She helped me clean out some paper work that Daddy had been saving for 40 years. We didn't get to his closet yet. I gave Ruby a picture of him. She called Daddy "Packel" for reasons unknown to us.

We had a big storm here the morning before they left. Ruby is afraid of thunder. I like it. The high winds blew the top out of the locust tree and the telephone pole beside it blew over. Fortunately I still had phone and electric.

I am thankful to my neighbors Larry and Sherry Snider. They had driven by and seen all the mess the storm made and Larry cut the wood up and a few days later he, his son and grandchildren were here and the boys put all the limbs and wood scrapes in the pile along with my dead peach trees. They loaded a trailer with wood and the whole phone pole. Frontier has replaced the pole.

Jim Tanner stopped by the next morning and took pictures of the debris. I had pictures of the flood. Unfortunately I lost them along with my computer from when the electric whet off a short time Monday evening. I was on my way to turn it off but was too late. Between hair cuts and helping Blaine move some things from Delphia Parsons it took me all day to get this computer going. I've had it in the closet for a year maybe. Handy. Maybe the pictures are still in the camera. Just too tired to look.

Delphia's daughter Juanita was here from Ohio for over a month and sold the old place. She and Blaine King steadily worked hard on everything involved. We sure do acquire lot in a life time and leave with nothing.

Heather, Ruby, Lea and her mother-in-law Ann went swimming at Summersville Lake this past week-end. They had a great time, the water was awesome. Heather was surprised it was so warm.

Charles Haverty has old pictures of Willey Haverty from over on White Oak. Charlie says he and Ronny are the only ones left in this country. So Arless, call me and I'll give a message to him.

It was good to see Susan Conrad we had a nice evening doing hair, and having a good visit. She helped me cut a wicked vine out of a hollyhock. Their really showing themselves.

Sorry about missing the news sometimes.

Everyone have a wonderful week!