
Kathleen H. Taylor

Welcome to Beason!

Congratulations to all the Ritchie County High School graduates. Good luck in all your future endeavors. Special congratulations to Christina Monterosso and Rachel Stone who graduated from PHS on Saturday.

The only words of wisdom I have (coming from me, I don't know if its wisdom or good old fashioned B.S.) is to remember it is okay to screw up now and then. However, don't make those bad judgments with your parent's money. If you do, you will find yourself in a Financial Aide office begging for a student loan.

Then, you have the privilege of paying them off for the rest of your natural life. I remember my graduation very well. I thought that I was going to have this magical life and live happily ever after. I also had the misconception that you could do whatever you wanted when you turned 18. I don't know who started that idea, but it is totally untrue. Trust me, I know these things from experience, go ask my Mom. She will agree that I did not know everything like I was so sure that I did.

T-Ball season is almost over. I was nominated Bench Mom for the last game. How lucky was I? Actually, they are pretty good kids, little antsy once in awhile but nothing major. Sergeant Taylor kept them under control. I am sure I embarrassed Avery and earned the title of meanest mom on the planet. However, I believe that embarrassing my child was in my job description when I received it at Avery's birth. In fact, I believe the doctor highlighted that so I would take special note of it.

Little League is almost over as well. I like baseball, but, I hate the constant running and the pleasant experience of sitting in the rain. However, Ethan had a triple in a rain storm. Before the game, I was having a good hair day. I ended the game looking like a drowned rat. But, the smile on Ethan's face was worth the ratty hair.

Ethan recently had his five minutes of fame taking over third base. I think he felt like he actually existed while in the infield. I guess some have trouble remembering that. I hate to be the evil mom that has to keep the dictionary available in case we need to look up the word "team." But, I always say go with what you're good at...I am certain evil mom is one of those prestigious titles on my talent list...I am sure there are others that would be censored if I repeated them.

How about that American Idol winner? D.C. didn't rock it very well the night before the finale. So, I was surprised that he pulled it off. Now, I will have his extra cash to pay off my student loans after he comes to whisk me away. I know I am already married but every girl has to have a back-up. I am sure that D.C. would love to have the honor of being Plan B. I'm thinking another reality check is needed here even at my ripe old age of 29. (Grab your boots it's getting deep here).

The Huffman boys of Lewisburg paid a visit to Beason over the weekend. I hear they are excellent cow wranglers and calf transporters. Unfortunately, I was unable to witness their expertise in action. Although I heard some big talk from small mouths that were able to attend the Memorial Day Shot and Tag Festival at Beason. I hope they continue to live up to their superhero status in the eyes of the small fry.

We are headed to D.C. on Sunday night. Please wish for us a good time and the ability to return with all our marbles. (Or at least enough to finish out the Kathy Taylor World Tour Summer 2008).

Health and happiness.