POETRY COMES ALIVE - Acting Poetry At Lights On! Presentation


Poetry duo delivers lively performance

"Poetry Alive" came to Calhoun last night, after performances for school children in grades three through six during the afternoon. "Light's On!" Director Tony Russell said "It was a sight to see how the kids took to the performance." The two-person show was exciting, animated, entertaining and well-delivered.

"Poetry Alive" has been seen by 7,000,000 people in 49 states and foreign countries since 1984. The actors present verse as theater, transforming poems into scripts and audience members into actors. They act poetry.

Several members of the audience participated in last night's performance, but the poetry troupe probably got more than they bargained for when they randomly chose local artist and performer Jude Binder to participate. She gave an excellent spontaneous performance, which local residents would certainly expect.

Local artist Jude Binder performs with troupe

The event, which was held in the CHS auditorium, was sponsored by the Calhoun County Library and "Light's On!"

Audience becomes participates in performance

Poetry lovers enjoy troupe