By Bob Weaver

A complaint was filed last Wednesday with the Calhoun Prosecutor Shelly DeMarino regarding campaign signs belonging to Assessor Jason Nettles.

Calhoun Clerk Richard Kirby said Nettles is non-compliant with state election law by not placing "Paid for by candidate" on his home-made donkeys.

Nettles was advised of the problem.

Kirby said Jim Lemon, Nettles' opponent had advised him of Nettles' violation, although Lemon declined to formally complain.

The County Clerk maintains such monitoring and oversight is part of his designated duty.

Kirby, who is Calhoun's chief elections official, sent letters to all county candidates reminding them of the election law, after speaking with the Secretary of State's office.

Kirby sent a letter to Lemon on Friday, saying "It has been brought to my attention that fingernail files you are using for campaigning do not meet State Code 3-8-12, which requires candidates to disclose who paid for the material.

That letter has also been forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney.

Nettles said he has been placing stickers on his donkeys to be in compliance.

Lemon says he is having new nail files produced with the correct information.