WOA SEMINAR SATURDAY - Will Address Impact Of Gas & Oil Exploration On WV Landowners

Submitted by Russ Richardson

The Woodland Owner's Association of West Virginia, Inc. is holding a seminar, Saturday April 19, entitled Impacts of Gas and Oil Exploration on the West Virginia Woodland Owner.

The information presented at this conference could help you minimize the potentially destructive effects that gas and oil drilling or exploration can have on your woodlands.

The meeting will be held at the Mountain Lakes Amphitheater Center, behind the Days Inn Hotel in Flatwoods, WV. Cost for the conference is $15 for WOA members and $35 for non-members (non-member fee includes a one year membership in WOA).

For more information about the meeting, an agenda, registration form or specific directions to the meeting site, please see   www.woaofwv.org   If you have any questions please email woamem@woaofwv.org

It is common knowledge that oil and natural gas prices are currently at near record highs. But we may not realize that the escalating prices have created an enormous surge in gas and oil exploration and drilling here in West Virginia. This is indicated by the number of oil and gas well permits having increased from less than 900 a year in the late 1990's to more than 3000 a year in 2006.

If you are one of the 3000+ who will have gas and oil activity on your property this year or perhaps in future years, you, as a surface owner, do have some inherent rights. If you are aware of them, there are ways to minimize the negative impacts of exploration or drilling activities on your property.