HISTORICAL SOCIETY GETS $27,000 IN GRANTS - Other Projects Funded

The Calhoun Commission approved several WV development grants sought by Del. Bill Stemple.

The development grants have replaced the now defunct Budget Digest.

- Calhoun Historical Society, Stump Hotel and Quality Shop building in Grantsville - $10,000.

- Calhoun Historical Society, Stump Hotel improvements in Grantsville - $10,000.

- Calhoun Historical Society, grant for Heritage Park, Calhoun Park - $7,000.

- Pleasant Hill PSD - $5,000.

- Calhoun Clerk's office, record scanning - $10,000.

A grant sought by the Calhoun Commission to improve record keeping for the Circuit Clerk's office was approved with the acceptance of a bid for $18,900 from A. J. Allegheny Systems.

The commission opened bids for the replacement of crumbling steps in front of the courthouse, the only bidder was Peter Cobbitt at $14,700.