
Submitted by Shirley Naylor
Arnoldsburg Head Start Pre-K

The months of January and February were busy for the children at the Arnoldsburg Head Start Pre-K Collaborative Classroom. The topics of study for the months were bears, hibernation, shadows and dental care.

The children used blocks and boxes, and draped blankets over tables to make caves. They looked up caves on the Internet and found some very nice pictures of caves on the Hur Herald. Some pictures were printed and posted in the classroom. Some of the children talked about when they visited caves.

The children had all kinds and colors of bears to play with. The Internet was also used to look up pictures of real bears. Some children talked about bears they had seen at the zoo.

The children made shadow pictures of each other, while learning about shadows.

They also learned about good brushing habits, going to the dentist and taking care of their teeth. They had a classroom visitor, Doogan Dog, to talk to them about good dental care.

Arnoldsburg Head Start had a student teacher, Melissa Nelson, in the classroom 2 days a week for the past few weeks. The Head Start theme for March is "Hats."