Monday evening the Calhoun Board of Education approved volunteer agreements for Michelle Cutshall - AES; Christina Neely - AES; Patty Sims - CMHS; Donna LaGrone - CMHS; Justin Ashley - CMHS.

The board approved employment for Little White Oak Bus Contract Run - Pam Blair (County Certification Pending); Jean Miller - Science (Includes Biology) - Critical Needs Area; CMHS remainder of school year (Effective 2/06/08); Rick Swearingen - After-School Social Studies Teacher (Heads Up) (Effective 2/19/08).

Supplemental pay was approved for Resa Math Fair Coordinators - Amy Fitzwater, Melissa Jones, Terry Jones, Jim Morgan, Linda Shock and Ernie Tingler.

Job Postings include English Teacher (CMHS); Elementary Teacher Itinerant (PHE); Elementary Teacher Itinerant (AES); Reading Mentor Teacher (PHE); Two Elementary Teachers (CMHS).

The board minutes say board member Cynthia Dale asked questions about the board agenda being sent to the general public sooner. She also requested the Formalized Board Goals from September 2007 and the CPD Teacher Academy number of attendees in August 2008.

The next meeting is a special meeting at Pleasant Hill Elementary for LSIC on March 10th at 7 p.m.

Read story about other board action on Herald on March 4.