By Alvin Engelke

Al Gore forgot & left his walk-in cooler at one of his mansions open again and the mercury around Creston fell down toward the zero mark. Of course it is January.

Speaking of those who want to blame America for any and all weather, the plan to have big brother control the thermostats on all California homes encountered more opposition than was anticipated & was temporarily shelved. Some folks in Creston don't have thermostats. Perhaps the meddlesome busybodies intend to say how much wood can be placed on the fire or how high one can turn up the unvented gas space heater, etc. Likely Thomas Alva Edison would be spinning in his grave if he learned that the pampered pothead from Tennessee and his buddies at the U. N. who want to use "climate change" to rule the world have banned the incandescent light bulb.

Richard McFall returned after visiting family and friends in Pennsylvania.

It was noted that a certain fellow has been keeping his automobile covered. Some wonder if there are not items in the vehicle that, if seen, would create trouble for someone.

There has been a lot of hay hauled and with colder weather animals will have "better appetites".

Tammy McFarland had been on the puny list.

Connie Boggs, the local star route mail carrier who recently underwent surgery hasn't been feeling very well.

Some local folks were attending to business in Parkersburg before Judge Fantastique. Other local residents and those with local connections were attending to business before various judges & magistrates, recently.

The election filing time has been quite interesting with not much more time for those who want to get in on the action. It was reported that some incumbents were less than amused when other folks filed for the same office.

Francis L. & M. C. Pursley were attending to business in Creston.

The price of local crude oil is $84.25/bbl and the price of propane was set at $1.558/gal with butane fetching $1.921/gas and drip (mountain high test) at $2.133/gal.

It was learned that Francis Cain's offset well to the Mrs. Lendol Rogers oil well near the Knight cemetery didn't hit the same vein.

Folks from California & Texas have been contacting local residents looking for oil and gas leases.

It was reported that some Creston residential property recently changed hands.

The bushy tails and wild turkeys continue to be seen along the highways and the buck with the big rack and large harem seems to be doing fine. Coyote tracks were seen in the snow on Ann's Run recently.