By Alvin Engelke

The Creston auction will be held Saturday, January 5, starting at 6 P. M. at the Creston Community Building. Regardless of whatever the weather will be then it will be cozy warm at the building and the Creston cooks will have hot coffee and warm food. Then one can deal for the good bargains at the auction get the special cheese, etc.

While the January Community Building meeting was cancelled there will be a meeting Tuesday January 8 starting at 7 P. M. at the community building to discuss the season's ATV poker runs. All willing volunteers, helpers and those who just like to ride are invited for an informal type discussion to "lay out the plans".

It was reported that Fred Bish's birthday is January 3 and Ted Grim's is January 5. According to wimmen in their lives, they both claim to be just 21. Grains of salt can be found at the end of the article.

Calhoun County Clerk Richard Kirby who lives on Lemuel's Run placed some venison carcasses near his game camera and he photographed a "Big Kitty Cat". As he said, "I don't think I'll make him into a house cat."

Rev. Carlos Nutter filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. church.

Nancy Smith, age 59, passed away. She was the daughter of Paul & Opal Snyder Smith and was Chadwell's longtime companion.

Not so long back when the water was up there were some fishermen at the mouth of Little Creek. They were fishing where the muddy water from the West Fork joined the much clearer water from Little Creek.

In what is obviously not a good sign, Jim Tedrick's neighborhood watch sign disappeared.

It was learned that some local folks are planning on joining in on a big New Year's Eve celebration at the Lafayette Hotel in Marietta. Speaking of things up in that direction the owner & heir to Henderson Hall passed away and the facility was donated to the Oil & Gas Museum. Dave McKain, one of the big wheels in the organization, presently is doing some work over at the old California House site on the Staunton Turnpike in northern Wirt County. The park at Burning Springs situate at the site of the Rathbone well is popular with those who study history & the oil business.

Speaking of oil, the price of local crude fell over the weekend to $89.75/bbl. while gasoline rose, in many local stations to $3.20/gal.

The Petroleum Technology Transfer Council (PTTC) is holding a two-day meeting on Devonian black shale fracturing at Morgantown on January 8 & 9. Those who plan to exploit the Marcellus shale would do well to attend. One can call Dr. Patchen at the university at 304-293-2867, extension 5443 or by e-mail

Danny & Steve Mowrey & son, Okey Wayne Norman, Don Hathaway, Mike & Randy Wigal, Greg Arthur, Sgt. Thomas Fluharty, USA, Retired and Bobby Swisher returned from a 3 week hunting & fishing trip to southwestern Colorado. They camped, fished & hunted on Lone Cone Mountain near Norwood Colorado, population 450. The hunters whetted their game appetites by catching and eating trout although it took Tom three days to catch his first one. Danny Mowrey got a 4 x 4 elk while Steve Mowrey and Randy Wigal each bagged 5 x5s. Sgt. Tom, with his extensive military training, got a 6 x 5, the biggest one of the trip. Greg Arthur shot a cinnamon coloured black bear that weighed 275 lb.

On the way out one fellow who formerly lived on Little Creek would get on the CB each time they saw a flock of sheep and ask another member of the party if he had his sheepherder boots, much to his dismay. One night, on the way, they decided to dine at a very upscale steak house near Denver. When they went in one big strong fellow was wearing a West Virginia shirt while the others had clothes that had no obvious identification. The hostess looked squarely at the blond haired fellow with the West Virginia shirt & said, "Oh my gosh, the sheep don't stand a chance tonight, do they?"

One would presume that the group fetched home much more meat than did the Old Furniture Salesman who goes on the Prairie Dog hunting excursions.

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Rhodes & Mr. & Mrs. Tim Rhodes and families were both visiting in Creston.

Mary Reno and Freddy Boyce & family were among those calling on Mr. & Mr. Carl Ferrell & family.

George Cooper was attending to business in Grantsville and was consulting with Bim the Barber.

"Herr Lang" who might better be described as "Herr Kurtz" said that Mr. Tanner wanted him to go get stuck in the Tanner trap to see if he could extricate himself. "Herr Lang" allowed as how one could learn from the mistakes & misfortunes of others and declined. Of course there are those who hold that one ought to try everything once which really defeats the purpose of an education and use of the brains that were given to each of us.

Old Osama, or someone claiming to be him if has already assumed ambient temperature, made a bunch of threats against Israel and western civilization generally so everyone is reminded that there is an ongoing worldwide war with the terrorists, as well as the problems with the Russians and the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army and not even Creston is out of the way.