
Kathleen H. Taylor

First, we would like to offer our sincerest condolences to the Ritchie family of Harrisville. Linza was one of our clients and she will be missed.

I will be Head Cook on Sunday evening at the Taylor's on the Hill. (I like the sound of that more and more. It makes our house seem like it should be part of Gone with the Wind.) Of course, there are problems with the Gone with the Wind idea. For example, we don't have any velvet curtains, big chandeliers, but we do have a generic plantation. We don't have any cotton crops to make us all rich, but we do have furry animals that make us fat. Does that count?

Junior and I made our weekly field trips to Parkersburg. Since we began this, I've learned a great deal about what things "look" like through grandpa's eyes. Grandpas and Grandmas have this way of telling stories about their grandkids. For some reason, when they tell the tales, it sounds much more exciting than when I do. That's one of the special things about grandparents I guess.

Junior and I got some training with his home dialysis. From what I can tell, I think we can handle it. The key to the whole thing is getting steps to the procedure in correct order. I was thinking that would be a very good thing. I wouldn't want to mess it up and Junior has a chemical melt-down. This would not be good.

Remember Black Friday is coming up this week. The Main Street Posse has a plan in progress of hitting the stores early. I believe most shoppers will not fight with me on special items. It would be in their best interest to take my advice now. Do not get in my face before noon. Kathy is most unpleasant before noon and will not take anything from anybody. Ask any locals here, they will stand and testify.

As you know, school is out for the week. If I had a guess I will be insane by day two, maybe three at the latest. There's only so much early morning XBOX torture I can take. It's odd they can get up every day at 6 a.m. on vacation and I can't drag them out on a regular school day. Why is that? I plan to have that discussion with Dr. Spock someday. He should hope he doesn't speak to me about it before noon as well.

Ethan's birthday is coming up in a few weeks. He will be eleven years old. I can't believe how fast he grew up. I got into the box I kept full of his baby stuff looking for a baby picture for Creed Collins' year book. I know he will be thrilled when he sees the one I had chosen. Just a little payback for all those 6 a.m. mornings spent fighting with Avery when we could have been sleeping in a tad later. I let Ethan have his birthday present a little bit early because it is hunting gear. He is so excited about this season and the gear was a total hit. He was totally all about it and tried it on right away. I think that kind of happiness that appears on a child's face is priceless. It was worth more than Mr. Cabela himself.

Mr. Mossy Oak

Thanksgiving is upon us. Have you been thinking of what you are thankful for? It's funny how those things change as you get older. I remember when I was younger (which was during the Dark Ages, you know) that I was so thankful for making it from point A to point B with a tablespoon of gas. It seems you can get really thankful and religious when it comes to not making it to where you need to be when you are broke. Now, since I've gotten older, I get thankful about all the times my youngest son doesn't wet the bed at night. How's that for a very noticeable lifestyle and age change?Ha. Ha.

Health, happiness and the ability to scarf as much Thanksgiving dinner as possible.