By Janet Siers

This record breaking temperatures are just the norm to me. Daddy and I walk to the chicken house to feed and and a lot of times they're not there. We figured they were staying in the creek. That oldest rooster crows every morning just before 7:00. All is well. Ray likes a cool house after that trip.

Frank Metz visited with Daddy for a while, and a few days later Glen Siers stopped by. It's good. They talk about old times. Daddy can remember the people everyone's talking about and joins in.

Uncle Shirley and Daddy attended the Molasses Festival. Ray did pretty good and they stayed until almost 11:00. Shirley said the Siers girls helped Daddy to the car. Bless their hearts. I love them. Charles Haverty and his grand-children visited with us Sunday afternoon, he always stops by when Uncle Shirley is here. A good time was had by all.

Tyler spent the week-end with Daddy and I. He tilled some flower beds for me Saturday evening.

Blaine King cut the peach trees down and cut them up. He and Ray piled it up. They did a great job. Blaine came back up and dug around a few of the stumps to saw down a little more so they'll be no problem mowing. We appreciate all Blaine does for us. He's a good neighbor.

Dick Jarvis mowed here at Daddy's. Dust just a flying. It looks so nice when the hay's done.

I saw six horses running through a meadow with a trail of dust like in the cowboy days.

Rosco and Pearl McCune came to see us Saturday afternoon. They had been to the Octoberfest down at the Park. We talked for a while and they were on their way back for the evening festivities. Hope they heard some music.

Tawni and Jerry came to get Tyler and visit. Tawni wanted to play dominoes. She and Daddy were partner against Blaine and I while Jerry read Reader's Digest jokes. Blaine and I had three out of three games. We all hung in there to the end. It's rough sitting three rounds.

Tawni, Jerry and I drove to the Coen Cemetery. I had never been to that one before. It's huge, well groomed and beautiful on top of a hill. I don't know how Nancy George and I missed that one. I thought I had taken her to them all.

Even though it's hot this country is beautiful with all this sun.

Have a wonderful week!