CALHOUN GETS GRANT FOR ALCOHOL AND DRUG PREVENTION - Survey Says Calhoun Youth Has Worst Alcohol Problem In State


Gov. Manchin issues grant to Shari Johnson

Gov. Joe Manchin has award $1,800,771 in prevention grants for 18 projects statewide - Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grants.

The Calhoun County Board of Education has received a $48,080 grant for the Youthforce Program, initiated by Shari Johnson.

Calhoun has the worst youth alcohol problem in the state, according to a PRIDE survey of students in the 8th and 11th grades taken as a requirement for No Child Left Behind.

The survey of students showed that 42.6% of Calhoun youth said they had at least one drink of alcohol a month, a key indicator of an area with a high incidence of alcohol abuse.

The survey also showed that Calhoun youth had the highest incidence of binge drinking, using beer and alcohol.

Johnson said the grant money will focus on alcohol and drug problems among Calhoun's young people.

"These funds will provide essential support to our communities," Gov. Joe Manchin said, "Through these grants, the local, regional and state levels will better coordinate and improve their alcohol, tobacco and other drug prevention programs."