
By Kathleen H. Taylor

Welcome back to Beason.

A little place everyone should visit once in their lives.

It has been pretty special to me over the last five or so years. My boys have had the time of their lives just being able to play on the farm and ride their bikes down Little Beason Road. It's nice for them to be able to do these things without fear of being hit or someone picking on them.

Sometimes the city life looks great, but when you get right down to it, kids wouldn't be happy if they had to be cooped up or watched constantly.

Beason has been great to me in several ways. For example, I can always count on my neighbors to help us out when we need it.

Believe me, Terry Richards and Junior Taylor have been life savers many times! I know they are already thinking "where is Kathy going to get her car stuck this winter?" Bless their hearts for helping me without question.

I can't thank Betty and Edgel enough for getting Ethan and Avery off the bus when I don't make it there on time. It is a proven fact I have no concept of time. Let me remind everyone we would help you out just the same, without hesitation.

People don't realize you don't have the privilege of having neighbors like this in the big city.

Congratulations to Junior Taylor for his fifty years of service with the Rainbow Grange. We appreciate all the efforts you have made over the years to help the Grange be successful.

We also need to send out birthday wishes to Junior. I think he said he was 21. A 21 year old Grandpa, how about that? I want to thank him for letting my boys be his handy "assistants".

"Aunt Pete" visited the HairStudio again this week. I wish everyone could have the opportunity to meet her. Her personality is larger than life. From what I hear, she gets asked for her phone number all the time after she leaves the HairStudio.

That's what happens when you combine Chrystal and Ericka's talent and Pete's natural beauty.

Everybody ready for Rebel football? I sure am. I love football season. There is something to be said about the smell of fall and the screaming of an insane mother during a game. I'll be that insane mother when wrestling season rolls around. Most everyone knows I am insane already, so it won't be a big shocker.

Another week and school will be in session. I am still trying to prepare myself mentally to get up before the crack of dawn. To me, the crack of dawn is about 9 a.m.

Whether I can do it physically is a totally different thing. Everyone knows I am not the most pleasant person before noon. It is also important to remember not to start an intelligent conversation with me before 9. I will not recall a thing you said or what I have agreed to before then. I am just not a morning kind of girl.

One of my friends meets her sister-in-law every morning at 6 to go jogging. All I can say is my famous quote, "good luck with that."

Live well, love much and laugh often.

Have a great week.