Submitted by Brenda McBride

The Calhoun County Committee on Aging (CCCOA) has recently started an Alzheimer's Respite Program called FAIR (Family Alzheimer's In-Home Respite).

This program will offer a maximum of eight hours per week for the caregiver of an Alzheimer's patient. As many are aware, the stress of a caregiver is great.

This program is designed to give them a break for a few hours each week. The respite workers have received specific training through the WV Alzheimer's Association guidelines.

To be eligible to receive these services, a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or related dementia is required from their physician. If the patient meets the program requirements, services can be started.

Call the CCCOA for more information at 304-354-7017. Please ask for Kathy Badgett, R.N. or Brenda Summers, Medicaid Coordinator.